Successful person Interview

I found a few people that I felt were successful. I spoke to one of my brothers best friends. His name is Christopher, and he lives in Brooklyn, New York. He is the only child in his family and his parents are divorced but they maintain a mutual friendship. He works to help his mother with some bills. He works in an office building in Manhattan with computers because he graduated from computer science. But he also has a part time job in a game store. He loves graphics and all that tech stuff which I find very difficult and amusing at the same time. He told me that one thing “I will love is my job because of the effort that I’ve put into and it’s something that I have always wanted to accomplish by myself”.

At first I didn’t get it but he explained that it is something that he did on his own and his parents had a big part because it always affected him and for once he did something for himself. It wasn’t about pleasing his parents but about him. Without having a positive out view you could never be able to leave that negativity until you try to do something you want for yourself. He ended up going to places that he didn’t expect to go like Japan. He went there last summer for some game animations with some graphics and he knows someone that works with game consoles. There he went to a convention and spoke to important people that have inspired him. He is also deciding to go back this December for some other imperative products.

“You have to be curious about the world because the world is not just about you” there are many positions and you wanting to be in the big leads has to be done with you starting. What has motivated me to interview him was his enthusiastic-ness. The way he carries himself with others is so intimidating. The way he talks and the way he sets his examples he very liberal. It wasn’t always easy to accomplish what he did because he was not sure that he wanted to go to college. He just knew that had to try because he was getting to lazy and started to gain weight ,stress about little things and “how was tomorrow going to treat me”. I felt like I could relate to him and because sometimes I wonder if what I am doing is worth it and will someone appreciate me for the work that I have done.


  1. wow....i think this successful person interview, and what you got out of it was really deep and meaningful. I sometimes wonder too if what im doing now, and how i am going about everything will actually pay off and will i get any recognition of it. Its true that one most defintiely look at the world with some type of curiousity. Also, i think that when someone does stuff, or accomplish anything on their own, its soo much more than an accomplishment and means a lot more because it was done all on your own. great blog!


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