Life Skills!

Life skill are important to have in any field goal that one is going to. There are so many different life skills that one can learn so here are a few.These skills have every thing to do with your life whether its time management, problem solving, communication, living financial situations, and family as well. It’s also to be able to understand challenges, different opportunities and obstacles in order to shape a better and stronger person. Trying to stay focused in differ situations is so you do not get distracted and being capable of dealing with them.

Its about the hidden talents that one finds out to do when they start a job opportunity. It is when you know that are developing new skills; to be intelligent, productive, hardworking. Its about earning a good living and being able to provide enough food, protection, clothing, education, and medical care.

Time has everything to do with the way you work and the way you function. Being able to get to work on time and doing other things when they are supposed to be done is a skill. Going to sleep on time too because you need to be rested, relaxed, and able to perform at the work place. Being gifted to problem solve is important too because you need to prove that you are worthy for a job and that you qualify. It shows that you are willing to grow and learn. Having good relationships with your co-workers is also a must because you want to maintain that respect and the dignity that you build when you are working.


  1. Hey I agree with what you said about time management including going to sleep on time. For my life skill I also picked time management and after I did the first three activities, I realized that I only sleep about 5-6 hours a day and that I end up oversleeping on my weekends to compensate. I learned that I have to discipline myself to do things on time during the week so I can sleep on time and make more use of my weekends (like to do homework!)


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