In Groups

The other day when we worked in groups it was with different people but similar goals. We spoke about our life skills, cover letters, and about our resumes. We got to know each other a little bit more. We mentioned that we wanted to work with people with different backgrounds and different accomplishments in life. It was nice talking to them because it was very laid back and we are hoping for good job opportunities in the future. Each one explained our major and why we wanted to do what we were studying for. We spoke about our love for music, sports, cars, pervious jobs, and helping others.

We got to discussing our pervious occupations and what had happened? We spoke of experiences and how we could pass this course with having a busy life after school. Of course we all want to succeed in life because that is the point why we are going the extra effort in school. We were laughing and talking about how we were all connected with our group members. We did not know at first why we were working together until we started our conversation. What was it that made the professor think that we could function as a group? I guess it was each of our different and unique personalities. Some were more quite and others very talkative but we all wanted difference.

It was good that we got to know others a little bit more because it makes you realize that they are different and that they want to have something of their own. When we showed our resumes it made me realize that people in my group jobs and I had volunteer work. It made me realize that some people had it harder than others and that they had been through a lot. It made me also recognize that I have to step up my game more. I believe working in groups makes you feel a bit more relaxed and makes you understand each other more than just being classmates.


  1. I do agree with what you said. Meeting people from different backgrounds give you chance to learn more about others’ thinking. Even though you think that there is nothing in common between you and others, it is amazing to know how much diversity can give. It gives people chances to learn and discover new ways of thinking and not to be locked in your culture standards. Chatting with others can bring up a lot of thing that sometimes you cannot by yourself.


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