LIB200- Blog #9 Final Reflection

My perspective about science and the humanities has somewhat changed from the start of the course because I didn’t look at big image. The critical thinking blogs did help me understand the course a bit more. With the blogs I was able to go back like they are my notes of certain things to help me with my essays. I also view other blogger and they could construct things a tad more clearly. It helped me understand subjects in the course. Science and technology is used for everyday in human life. We use phones, computers, ipads etc to connect to the internet. We also go to work and school, socialize with peers and associates. Blogging is a way to communicate where we talk and learn about news and others. To say that blogging is a way of modern technology and in a means a word of mouth epidemic.

I am more optimistic of science and the technologies because I studied it in course for three months. I also can say that I am a person of both science and humanities because I use it daily, need it to commute, use it to be entertained, and to survive but while doing it for my humanity. I did make connections of science and how humanity is affected by its technology and applies science(research). It does have its pros and cons and the cause and effect.

A connection that I have made was the start of epidemics. For example, take iPods are so well known that most likely you have an iPod or you know someone who has an iPod or considered to by one. You probably seen someone and then have felt inspired to go get your own. It may not be the same one that you’ve seen or have but it’s a fashion/ technological epidemic. Everyday since apple has announced their music players/ mp3’s people have sought to get a piece of it. Now we see that they have different kinds for different pricing like iPods like the shuffle, nano, touch, and the classic, there are also different generations meaning different software and exterior; from big to small, from thick to slim. It has evolved and continues to today. Surly it is an epidemic.


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