First Day

On the first day of our CEP course I was already in a bad mood. I had to register for a another course that was mandatory for this class. I did not know and I had to rush before they would close the offices in the c-building. I was late for my Fundamentals of Professional Advancement course. The professor was cool though he explained to us what this course was about and what we should expect to do while in CEP.
Professor William Beaufort told us to get up and sit in a round circle. Then he told us this was one activities that he had for us before class was over. We had to say our name, our major and career motivation/ goals. Most of my class mates knew what they wanted to do and others wanted a better job that paid better. Others had work experience and wanted to become more professional by coming back to school pursuing their college degree. Myself I knew what I wanted to be now that I had something that I knew I could improve. I knew that I wanted to work with children and I wanted to work with those who were disabled.
I could not stand it when I saw children who could not speak properly and learn get picked on during school lunch hours or anytime that they were together with normal abilities. It made me feel bad like teachers just wanted to get paid and some didn’t take their time with them. I remember one time when I went to go pick up my sister from school, some faculty were talking about how a little girl got hit in the head with a book and she was crying. Her mother came up and wanted to sue the school for not doing anything. The principal had to fire the teacher for assault on a student and the little girl was disabled too. This was about ten years ago and this was probably one reason why I choose to grow to be a teacher.


  1. I agree 100% It really angers me that some people do not take these disabilities seriously and be-little them instead. In a way it is what helped me decide the career path I want and hope that soon other people can see things from our view.


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