LIB 200- Assignment #4

In my personal view for blog number four, I believe that robots have become acceptable to most people. I say this since technology is used every day whether it be a bus, car, train, cellphone, laptop, computer etc. In my eyes I see them as technological robots that are needed to be used by human in order to work but at the same time it may not always be the case. I believe it to be a start to surpass (maybe) human intelligence. I also think that a reason robots are accepted because they are an achievement to people; similar to the promise for the future of software agents.

Robots or any kind of artificial intelligent technology gives me both the ‘awe’ and the fear of robot technology. I look at films like the Terminator which is comparable to a post-apocalyptic film for humans in which robots (terminator) have surpassed human intelligence which is the fear for this kind of technology. The awesome part is again what human have accomplished with bare hands and mentally. Also, the 1939 Electro video clip seemed to creep me out knowing how scientists were able to put a megabytes to a robot at the time when there were not computers. I know that it was motor controlled but it was creepy. Electro the smoking robot is huge and to imagine that he could one day be a threat to humans is disturbing. He is tall, looks heavy and weird.

I consider that robots can also be similar to human approach but never have any kind of emotion or the consciousness that humans have. How could they have a soul or any awareness? I agree with david Gelernter in “Dream Logic, the Internet and Artificial Thought” because machines will not ever have consciousness like humans thought they mimic our intelligence. Also the only way it would mimic humans because we decide what to put in the robot; the information.

A reason why I think we might accept robots in our vision for the future is that it is important technology that has evolved and keeps evolving. It shows the shows the intelligence of the “human mind” though a robot will not be conscious.


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